Sunday, 16 August 2020

Folk costumes


Folk costumes of Slavonia and Baranja

by Iva Tomičić


A folk costume usually expresses an identity through costume, which is associated with a geographic area or a period of time in history. It can also express social, marital or religious status. Such costumes often come in two forms: one for everyday occasions, the other for traditional festivals and formal occasion. 

Slavonia and Baranja are located in the east of Croatia and are associated with the Pannonian style of dress. In Slavonia dresses  tend to be very elaborate. 

Women on their dresses usually have floral designs and clothing with silk or wool, decorative ribbons and bows, gold or silver jewelry, necklaces and pearls. The colors of the dresses tend to be bright and numerous. Usually they are gold, red, blue, white and black. 

Men usually wear thick coats or vests. In Baranya, a part of the men's costume is a small apron that is worn over the trousers that ranges in color and design.

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